Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Ridiculous Dialogue??

This is mini drama (actually, it's just ridiculous dialogue :p ) I made for my English class. My friends & I did the drama in front of the class. Haha...., I tried my best, but it's too bad that one of my friend - Arief Hatedhillson 's character - got absent that day.

I hope I don't make mistakes with the grammar (fufufu....). Enjoy it!!

Ati : “Hey, guys. Listen, I have a hot news, fresh from the oven.”

Putri : “What news? Tell us.”

Ati : “There will a transfered student in our class.”

Sari : “That’s a stale news. We already know.”

Ati : “Ouw…(she looks disappoint) By the way, you came early today, Putri. That’s unusual.”

Putri : “Hey, hey…, that’s sounds impolite.”

Sari : “But the fact is, before today, you always come late.”

Putri : “Well, actually there’s something happened…”

Ati : “It must be something good. Come on, tell us”

Putri : “Fine, I’ll tell you.”

(Dewi’s entering the class)

Dewi : “Good morning. What are you doing, guys? May I join?”

Sari : “Hurry, Dewi. Putri wants to tell a story about…”

Putri : “A story?! It’s a tragedy! Oh, you won’t believe it!”

Dewi : “Wow, that’s sounds so bad.”

Putri : “You know, I usually wake up at 06.00 o’clock. But this morning…”

Ati : “Let me guess. You woke up at 05.30, right?”

Putri : “Wrong answer. I woke up at 04.30 and got up at 04.45.”

Ati, Sari, Dewi : “HAA….??!!!”

Ati : “Putri, that’s…, that’s a miracle!”

Sari : “That’s a gift from God.”

Dewi : “I can’t believe it. Amazing!”

Putri : “Hey, hey. Your respons are… too much.”

Sari : “But, where is the tragedy’s part?”

Putri : “Well, the tragedy had happened before I woke up.”

Sari : “How?”

Putri : “A nightmare!”

(Arief suddenly comes)

Arief : “Hey, hey!! Arief is in the house, eh, I mean in the class. Yo whassup, yo whassup. Girls, you all look so beautifull. Let me introduce myself. I’m a transfered student. My name is Arief Hatedhillson. I come from Singapore. My hobby is watching movies. Any questions?”

(Everybody looks so…quiet)

Arief : “Hello…, girls? Am I have a good looking? Well, that’s the way I am.”

(Everybody feels sick)

Sari : “Ah, Arief. Tell us about your daily activity.” (Try to look interest)

Arief : “Good question, ehm. Well, I always wake up at 05.00. After get up, I do some exercises, that’s good for health, you know. Then I take a bath, and get my breakfast.”

Putri : “What food do you usually eat for breakfast?” (Pretends to interest)

Arief : “Well, sometimes I eat cereal, or fried rice. In other time, I have a piece of sandwich and a glass of orange juice.”

Ati : “Have you ever try semur jengkol for your breakfast?”

Arief : “???!! Semur jengkol?”

Dewi : “Forget it, she’s joking.”

Sari : “How about weekend? What are you usually doing?”

Arief : “I used to go with my girlfriend, to some fun places. In the evening, we go to the night club.”

Ati : “Oh…, doing ajep-ajep?”

Arief : “?????”

Putri : “She means, doing dance, clubbing.”

Arief : “Ow, yeah. Dance all night long. But now I have no girlfriend. I broke her up a week ago. By the way, I don’t know your phone number yet. Give me your number girls…. Hey, where is my cell phone? Oh my God, it must be left at the canteen!”

(He’s gone)

Putri : “Guys, I’m not telling you yet about my tragedy.”

Ati : “Oh, about your nightmare?”

Putri : “Yes. In my dream, I’v seduced by …that narciss person. That caused me woke up early.”

Sari : “Arief Hatedhillson?!”

Ati : “Wow, I called it a dream comes true.”

Dewi : “I called it a fate, to meet each other.”

Putri : “Stupid…”

Sari : “Well, who wants to be that narciss person’s girlfriend?”

(Everybody feels more sick)

Putri, Ati, Dewi : “NO, THANKS!!!!”


Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

'Sleep Paralysis' , Serem Abiss!

Tulisan kali ini inspirasinya berdasarkan kisah nyata, soalnya gw alami sendiri (sering banget). Tahu yang namanya sleep paralysis ga? Kalo yang belom tahu, aduh, kasian banget deh (hoho...nampol banget ga sih..?). Sebenernya gw juga belum lama ini tahu dari majalah ( gratisan tapinya :) )

Menurut medis, keadaan ketika orang akan tidur atau bangun tidur merasa sesak napas seperti dicekik, dada sesak, badan sulit bergerak, dan sulit berteriak disebut sleep paralysis alias tidur lumpuh.

Disebut tidur lumpuh soalnya saat itu badan ga bisa bergerak atau berasa lumpuh. Katanya juga sleep paralysis ini menyerang siapa aja, kaum pria maupun wanita. Rata-rata orang pertama kali mengalami fenomena ini mulai pada usia 14-17 tahun. Sebenarnya apa penyebabnya?

Menurut Al Cheyne, peneliti dari Universitas Waterloo, Kanada, sleep paralysis adalah jenis halusinasi karena adanya malfungsi tidur di tahap rapid eye movement.

Jadi begini tahapan tidur itu (berdasarkan gelombang otak) :

  1. Tahap tidur paling ringan/setengah sadar
  2. Tahap tidur yang lebih dalam
  3. Tahap tidur yang paling dalam
  4. Tahap REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

Nah, saat kondisi badan lagi capek banget atau kurang tidur, gelombang otak ga bisa mengikuti tahapan tidur tersebut. Dari tahapan tidur paling ringan langsung ke tahap REM. Waktu otak mendadak bangun padahal badan belum bangun, inilah yang terjadi : sleep paralysis. Kita ngerasa udah sadar, tapi badan ga bisa bergerak. Adakalanya muncul sosok lain yang sebenarnya ciri khas dari mimpi. Sleep paralysis juga bisa disebabkan pikiran yang terbebani, jadi stres terus kebawa mimpi.

Bahaya ga sih? Hmm…, katanya sih gangguan tidur ini bisa jadi gejala dari narcolepsy (serangan tidur mendadak tanpa tanda-tanda mengantuk), sleep apnea (mendengkur), kecemasan, atau depresi.

Kalo dipikir-pikir, gw emang gampang stres sih. Waktu mengalami sleep paralysis, gw kira tuh lagi sakratul maut, jadinya banyak-banyak istighfar ‘n baca takbir gw. Pas bener2 bangun, fuh, lega banget rasanya (masih idup, alhamdulillah…..)

Hmm, makanya hati-hati kawan, hindari stres dan jaga kestabilan jam tidur kalo ga mau tidurmu terganggu sama fenomena super horor ini. Hiy....